

The city is a great base to explore the Highlands.  If you would prefer to stay local then we have these suggestions:


Powerfully emotive and atmospheric battlefield where the 1745 Jacobite Rising came to a tragic end.  Experience the powerful emotions of the Battle of Culloden in the visitor centre's 360-degree immersion theatre, which puts you right in the heart of the action.  Discover the true story of the 1745 Rising, from both the Jacobite and Government perspectives, in the newly accredited museum, where unique artefacts from the time are displayed.  See the restored 18th-century Leanach Cottage with its beautiful thatched roof, crafted using heather from the battlefield itself.  Browse their shop which includes jewellery crafted from the flowers of the battlefield.


The beautiful Loch Ness located very near Inverness is shrouded in mystery. Tales of a large monster living deep beneath the dark expanses of Loch Ness have circulated the world since the first photograph emerged in 1933. With over 1,000 eye-witness accounts, sightings and unexplained evidence, scientists continue to be baffled by the existence of Nessie.  You could book yourself a boat trip and tour of Urquhart Castle and Loch Ness by Jacobite Cruises. Make sure you take a trip to the top of Grant Tower to enjoy the jaw-dropping views over the loch and the Great Glen.  Want a bit of exhiliration... then how about a speedboat tour of Loch Ness instead!


Inverness area has many cycling opportunities, from relatively easy rides on the flat to challenging mountainous terrain, single tracks, downhill, and point to point loops.  The city is also well supplied with places to hire bikes and equipment.


Landmark Park is situated at the south end of the village of Caarbridge, which is 23 miles south of Inverness, just off the A9.  Take a plunge down one of the three water coasters, walk through the amazing tropical hot-house with hundreds of stunningly beautiful butterflies, meet your favourite dinosaurs in Dinosaur Kingdom, have a go at rock climbing and tree walking, or take a walk through the park to spot the red squirrels on the nature trail.  A great family day out! 


Following the 1746 defeat at Culloden of Bonnie Prince Charlie, George II created the ultimate defence against further Jacobite unrest. The result, Fort George, is the mightiest artillery fortification in Britain, if not Europe.  Its garrison buildings, artillery defences bristling with cannon, and superb collection of arms - including bayoneted muskets, pikes, swords and ammunition pouches, provide a fascinating insight into 18th century military life.


Chanonry Point is a peninsula of land that extends between the villages of Fortrose and Rosemarkie.  At the tip of the peninsula, there's a very deep and narrow channel within the Moray Firth where the dolphins hunt Atlantic salmon on a rising tide.  Chanonry Point is special because the dolphins regularly come in very close to the shore, making it easier to see some action without the need of a camera or binoculars.


The walks around Inverness are in abundance!  From the Caledonian Canal and Dochgarroch Locks, to Glen Affric, Craig Phadraig, Ord Hill, or the epic Loch Ness 360 degree trail looping the whole of Loch Ness!

Fort George

Urquhart Castle

Dochgarroch Locks